Sales & Marketing

Marketing in the age of SOCIAL MEDIA

  • 0 Students Enrolled
  • by MIYENS

Marketing has evolved as time progressed. It’s no longer just billboards and print ads, thanks to the arrival of technology particularly social media.

With social media’s emergence and wide reach, it definitely is the best tool for any marketing campaign. Social media and marketing when mixed together can be the perfect formula for an effective online marketing effort. But how will your marketing efforts stand out in such a wide platform like social media? How can you keep up with the rest of the competition?

Marketing in the Age of Social Media will be your guide on how to market the right audience on the right platform. Learn basic social media facts and pick up some strategies that can be helpful for your social media efforts. Make this course your baby steps towards effective social media marketing.

Take this course and get started!

What you will learn :

  • Why you should invest in social media
  • Planning out your social media strategy
  • Developing and publishing your content
  • Listening to your social media market
  • Measuring your online activity

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This Course Includes
  • social media marketing
  • digital marketing
  • marketing